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What a year 2021 has been. With triumphs and challenges all around but we preserved and here we are. The first month of the year has already passed and we are now into 2022 in earnest. Lipsticks and Scars publishing in association with Inspire Innovation Business Consultants is proud to announce its inaugural list of year makers. These are the women who made 2021 what it was. Those who dared to dream, to fight and mostly to stand up for what they believe in. From business, politics, activism and the arts, these are the women we will be watching in 2022 and we cannot wait to see what they bring this year.

While our list was carefully curated at the discretion of Lipsticks and Scars and Inspire Innovation it is by no means exhaustive. This is not at all the total of women who exhibited greatness this year . Everyone has, in ways big or small demonstrated fierceness and gumption and we celebrate you all. We hope to have an even more diverse list in the year to come. 

We cannot wait to see what Basotho women get up this year and we have no doubt that it will beautiful to watch.

Here is our 22 for 2022


Thakane-Rethabile Shale